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From the CEO's Desk

As we embark on 2021, I’d like to start the year by saying thank you to everyone in our Extentia network – Extentians, our families, our neighbors, communities, customers, and partners across the globe. Through an incredibly tumultuous year, the support and commitment we have seen across the board has humbled me and made us truly appreciate the power and value of a strong partner network and colleagues one can count on – each of you have played a vital role in working with and helping us get to the end of 2020!


In a year characterized by a global pandemic, we have seen some losses, but we have our health and have survived, grown, and can look forward to the future with more hope and vigor than we should have dared to hope for.

Let us be grateful for the many faceless warriors who did so much to keep us safe during this year – healthcare professionals who put their lives on the line for us every day; every essential worker who ensured we were fed, had electricity, sanitation, running water, and


the support of our communities; and law enforcement and security personnel who gave up more than we can imagine so that we could live our lives safely and with a semblance of normalcy.

2020 was a reactive year – we reacted to our environment and the rapidly changing world around us – the pandemic, a global and national lockdown, massive shifts in businesses and priorities, the economic crisis of a generation, and the fear and speculation that accompanied standing at the edge of 2020’s chasm.


I believe that 2021 will be a proactive year. We will reap the benefits of the efforts of 2020; our ability to guide our customers and partners will grow; we will have our proven collective strength and resilience to count on; and we will play an active role in charting our futures.


After everything we have accomplished this year, I am proudest of the way our Extentians stood up – every challenge, every call for assistance, every demand, every sacrifice, and every opportunity was taken on with the vitality and empathy that we have been spoilt into expecting. In 2020 we kept our word in “Delivering Confidence”; but even more meaningfully, we “Delivered Compassion”.


We have a long road back to “normalcy” – we’re constantly working on multiple fronts; and count on you – your ideas, support, enthusiasm, and optimism – to partner with us on this journey.


I wish each of you and your families a healthy, happy, safe, successful, peaceful, and enjoyable 2021!


Umeed Kothavala,

CEO, Extentia

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