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Rising Stars of Extentia


Dipti, The Seeker

"My journey at Extentia has been an eye-opener, to say the least. I have had an opportunity to work on numerous projects. I have seen myself grow since joining Extentia. I've received tremendous support and appreciation from all my clients for my contributions to the company. This is a milestone; I've managed to achieve in a very short period. Another favorite milestone is when I became the Captain of house Infinite!


One of the most cherished memory and learning I have is when I lead different teams in 2020, a few days before the Annual Party, I choreographed dance performances for many groups who were participating. Participation and contribution have been major learning opportunities for me, and it has brought me to where I am right now with Extentia.


Extentia has been my steppingstone, where I was given an excellent opportunity to grow, learn new skills, and be a part of a work culture that brought out the best version of myself!"

Akshay, The Tech Explorer


"My journey at Extentia began right after graduating from university. I still recall the day the company visited our campus for placement and as a task, we had to solve codes for 10 levels. Each level got more difficult as you progressed. It was particularly challenging yet enjoyable for me!

As a newbie at Extentia, I was amazed when I got assigned to projects as soon as I started. It was a great learning experience for me as I got to witness all the stages of a project – from its inception to its development and deployment while simultaneously having access to the latest technologies at my disposal!

But I was able to navigate through and learn successfully because of my mentors. Special shout out to Abdullah sir! The mentorship I received here is unparalleled, they made me feel welcome and always provided guidance and support when I needed it. They shared so much knowledge

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and insights that have shaped me and helped me become a better version of myself. They taught me how to be truly responsible and lead from the front. Which has helped me not only in my professional but my personal life too! 

My mentors have taught me well and inspired me so much that I cannot wait to mentor a newbie because I know that I will be a good mentor!

Akhand, The Tech Savvy


"My journey at Extentia has been quite an evolving one. As a developer, I was exposed to a variety of technology right from the very start of my journey. I feel very fortunate to work on some of the latest technologies like Spring boot, SAP Cloud Service Architecture, JAVA operations. It’s because of my experience in JAVA, and AWS Cloud Service, that I got to work with the SAP team immediately after I joined Extentia.
I am an active learner, I have learned a lot during my work here. Besides learning some of the latest technologies and tools, I also got the chance to write unit test cases – a quality check on the coding done; this helped boost my confidence as a developer. 
Looking back at myself, I now see a much happier version of me. I have evolved personally and professionally. Although a sports enthusiast, I never got the chance to play or practice.


Sports for me was restricted to television only. Thanks to the exciting activities and events at Extentia, I got the opportunity to participate in many sporting events. One of the most significant moments of my life was participating in the chess tournament. I played after 15 years!

Extentia, for me, is comfort. I remember an incident when waterlogged in the parking area. For the first time, I witnessed an incredible example of unity and togetherness. Everyone at Extentia, from housekeeping to management irrespective of their rank in an office, worked together and helped get the water out. It was a moment worth remembering!
To sum it up, I would say that growth and learning are what I am seeking from my work right now. In this continuous learning process, my team and my seniors have always been my guiding star!"


Aditee, The Go-Getter

"My career graph at Extentia has been extremely exciting, with a lot of learning, and it is continuing. I have worked on multiple projects since the time I joined Extentia. I would say I have come a long way, from being a fresher to handling projects independently!

As an intern and then an employee, I had the opportunity to report directly to my design director! She has witnessed my growth and has helped me realize my full potential by giving me extensive exposure by assigning me various projects. Moreover, my co-workers here always respect everyone’s thoughts and beliefs, making design brainstorming sessions very interesting and engaging.

Extentia is a place full of opportunities – from designing for SAP and getting hands-on experience working in sectors like automobiles, agriculture, healthcare, and pharmaceuticals, I’ve learnt a lot here. Akshay and Yamini were fantastic mentors to me throughout my journey. I always reach out to both for personal and professional advice. They are always there when I need an opinion or

feedback on any design task I work on. I have learnt a lot from them, and I look up to them.

I love sports! I enjoy participating in Extentia's various fun activities. I have participated in a bunch of XPL events, as well as ran my first marathon with the Extentia family. I also love dogs and have befriended most dogs around our office premises – they truly make my lunch breaks fun and refreshing.

I see Extentia as a place where people work hard for the company’s success, but at the same time have fun and share an excellent bond. It has been a fruitful journey, and I am looking forward to more opportunities to learn and grow!"


Varun, The Explorer

“My journey at Extentia started with a lot of learning, which seems to be continuing till now. Right from the beginning, I was allowed to get exposed and apply to all the aspects and departments of Extentia, be it IT, Marketing, or BA. I consider myself fortunate to have gotten the opportunity of exploring various departments at Extentia. After talking and working closely with the heads of the different departments, I realized my interest and got complete clarity on my job profile. I started working as a business analyst with the Experience Studio since then.

As an active learner, I have learned a lot during my work process. My projects have made me a researcher and helped me acquire new things each time I get something challenging. I am assigned to a new project every week or two – it requires quite a bit of study. I am fortunate to have worked with a myriad of domains in this short span of my career. From education to eCommerce, healthcare to automobiles, it has always been fun to learn!

Coming back from Canada, I was quite a newbie for the Indian market. Thanks! To Extentia for helping me grow both personally as well as professionally. I still remember at the start after my final onboarding, a lot of people were leaving, which left me hard and dry. Pradnya helped me and assigned trainees and others for my help. It was really helpful at that time!

Besides work, I consider myself an avid reader, a fitness freak, and an animal lover.


Extentia, for me, is like family, helpful! It lets you think freely and always encourages out-of-the-box thinking – which I enjoy personally. Creativity is always fun!


To sum it up, I would say that growth and learning are what I am seeking from my work right now. In this continuous learning process, my team and my seniors have always been my support system.

Sunaina, The Creative Thinker


"My journey at Extentia has been quite a roller-coaster ride, from a fresh college graduate who was an introvert and dealt with social anxiety to a much more confident and successful visual designer. It's been two years now and I'm still going strong. Stepping into a big corporate world was quite daunting, however, without Extentia and the ever-supportive team, my journey wouldn't have been this easy.

I remember getting a lot of internal graphic work at the start of my career. During those days, I got the opportunity to do a lot of work for XEN LAB. I still consider it to be one of my favorite projects so far. Seeing the project flourish right from its inception is a very satisfying experience. I am currently working on UI assignments and must acknowledge the memorable process. I have grown both personally and professionally and I am now confident to take up any new challenges at work. Besides working, I am an avid reader and keep up with all the latest information related to my field.


For me, Extentia is a place full of opportunities – it is all about growth, passion, and dedication. As designers, we constantly look for creative stimulation and inspiration, something I always find at Extentia. The place, vibes, and environment are so conducive to productivity that we are able to overcome any creative blocks. I enjoy upskilling by reading up on different tools used in UI and UX designing. It is a continuous process and I look forward to many more enlightening experiences!"


Snehal, The Explorer

“From a QA professional to a developer, my journey at Extentia has been a roller coaster with lots of learnings and experiences. It has been an incredible experience and I couldn’t have envisioned a version of myself that’s better than what I have grown into – thanks to Extentia and my team! The metamorphosis of a naïve non-technical QA to a much-experienced developer was fast and fulfilling.   


As a QA professional, I explored a lot of automation tools, we were the first to have started working with Microsoft Azure on Azure dashboards. One of the projects for a leading client of Extentia’s taught me team spirit, the art of meeting harsh deadlines, and working under pressure. The project helped me in learning coding and advanced languages. It feels amazing to be appreciated by your team and clients after all that hard work.   


For me, Extentia is a place of opportunities – it is all about learning something every day and Extentia gives me that support to evolve and grow.  It’s a continuous process and I look forward to more such learnings and experiences!”

Akshay, The Tech Geek


"I started my career with a multinational company, however, ever since I joined Extentia two years ago, there’s been no turning back – I couldn’t be happier! Extentia has given me some awesome opportunities during the start of my journey.


I was exposed to the world of data migration which helped me understand the importance of planning. I got to work on market trending tech stock and experienced cloud in Jitterbit Studio. It's difficult to estimate the number of projects I have worked on, but my growth graph is heading up the charts, I must admit. I am currently working as a Sr. Software Professional in the Salesforce ecosystem. The Salesforce market is booming – with new features being released every quarter, I enjoy tracking, learning, and staying updated with the latest tools and technologies. I work with both direct as well as partner clients and it feels great when my work is thoroughly appreciated – makes me feel confident!

Rising Stars Of Extentia - Akshay Poddar

Last year, I was part of a team that participated in the Einstein Analytics ISV Hackathon. We created a solution that would help users display the impact of COVID-19 on Salesforce objects – utilizing datasets directly from the World Health Organization. After 48 hours of sheer hard work and dedication, we were announced as the winners! It felt exhilarating!

Apart from work, I enjoy spending my time learning new tools and technologies. I'm constantly working on my blog and YouTube channel. I also enjoy playing badminton with friends."

Sarang - Rising Stars Of Extentia

Sarang, The Experience Seeker

“I learnt about Extentia from one of my seniors at college. I was fascinated by the fact that Extentia had so many activities! It was then I knew I wanted to work here. So, I did quite a bit of research about Extentia and was quite determined to work in such a dynamic place. Fortunately, during a campus placement, I was selected and couldn’t be happier!

The journey so far has been remarkable! As a business analyst, I was taught how to sharpen my observational skills. Soon, I started working on SAP projects by focusing on various SAP tools; so I worked on developing, maintaining, and delivering those projects. Apart from SAP, I’ve worked on some presales projects for Salesforce, Java, Angular, Microsoft Azure, and all sorts of technology – it felt amazing to always have a full plate! For me, it was never about the technology but always comprehending the problem and finding the best solution.

Extentia is a place I would feel good about working at, even

on a Monday! Working here is fulfilling – it’s like the perfect work-life balance in the true sense. For me, it is all about learning, growing, and ultimately enjoying the experience. I have friends who keep switching to competing companies primarily for growth or hike in salary but for me, it is all about the joy I receive while working on each of my projects.”

Nisha, The Growth Seeker


“I joined Extentia in 2019 and have been loving the journey ever since! At Extentia, I got to experiment with and learn new things – even those that I was scared of even trying before joining the team here. From JavaScript to React.js and from working onsite for a project to being part of different project teams – my learning graph looks quite good I’d say! My seniors here are exceptionally supportive that encourages me to learn and do more things – helping me enhance my capabilities. From a variety of projects that one gets to be a part of to a number of activities like Monologues and the annual party – there’s always something brewing at Extentia and I love it! One more thing that stands out about Extentia for me is that there are no hierarchies as such and that makes it extremely organic for the company to be able to treat each employee with the same dignity and respect while giving equal opportunities for growth and learning. 
When not working, I like to go for trekking and hiking with

Rising Stars of Extentia Nisha

my friends. In the past year, I also developed a love for baking and have tried my hands on cakes, cookies, pizza, and whatnot! In the time to come, I aim at learning more tech and becoming the best at what I do!”


Raviprakash, The Quick Learner

"I joined Extentia in 2018 as a fresher and have gained tremendous knowledge within 2.5 years – I think I can confidently assert that I can handle a project on my own – something that makes me feel empowered! Having worked on several multifaceted projects across technologies including Angular, Ionic, JavaScript, and more – the exposure I got here has been enormous. The beauty of the learning culture at Extentia is that instead of just a single domain, you get to enhance your skills in new areas, which is tremendously helpful in shaping your career! What might sound like an otherwise clichéd statement but is not when it comes to Extentia – is that the constant support from seniors and peers makes me love what I do. Having already tried my hands on trying new tech and grasping new complex logical codes – I am excited to keep exceeding my own goals every day.


In my personal life, I’d say I’m both a foodie and an explorer. Hence, I love trying different cuisines and discovering roads

that lead to places that are new to me. I hope in what comes next in my journey at Extentia – I keep exploring new paths that lead to more learning and growth!"

Nikita, The Multitalented Coder

“I became a part of team Extentia in July 2019 and have worked on multiple projects since then – a journey full of learning and growth that has been satisfying and encouraging in equal measures. I had joined with hands-on experience in JavaScript, React.js, and more – now I’m learning Node.js and getting to contribute as a full stack developer. From working on new features to overcoming challenges with constant guidance from my seniors – I get to explore areas that are new to me. Always striving to write good quality code, I believe in leading by example and look forward to leveraging my learning to become a role model for all those who’re at the beginning of their careers and aspire to grow their skillset and get better at it each day.

In my free time, I like doing many things, dancing being one of my top favorites – the reason why I terribly missed performing at this year’s annual party, an Extentia event that is particularly close to my heart. I also love to play badminton, doodle, and try my hand at handicraft, when


not working and dancing that is! It’s been two years being a part of the Extentia family and I excitedly look forward to keeping experiencing the magic in the time to come!”


Kalpesh, The Sporty Techie

“I joined Extentia almost a year ago and what a journey it has been! The constant appreciation and support from my seniors is what keeps me going and allows me to be at my productive best. Be it the challenges that I face and handle during the projects I work on or the shift from a product-based project to a service-based one, the opportunities I get here to challenge myself are enormous. I feel I am learning every day! In my current project, I got a chance to not only spearhead it but also to share my knowledge with the new team members as well as to train them on the criticalities of the project – something that encourages me and provides me with the cushion of confidence to take up new tasks and give my best shot each time.

When not working, I love to travel, play cricket, and watch web series! Having spent only a year at Extentia, I excitedly look forward to exploring all the opportunities that are in store for me and to heaps of learnings along the way!”

Sayli, The Creative Coder

“From being a fresher in the company, back in 2017 to independently handling tasks on projects, I’d say I have come a long way! Extentia has been a great platform for me to discover my strengths, capabilities, and weaknesses – always pushing me to Do More. Be More! From .NET to databases including SQL CLRs, Azure functions, Angular JS, and a little bit of React JS too – I have had opportunities to familiarize myself with and even master multiple technologies – something that I consider as a stepping stone in my career! Work has been my constant source of satisfaction and which in turn brings me happiness and automatically keeps me motivated to learn and grow.

When not working, I like to unwind myself through colors and stories – by using bold hues in my paintings and reading classic novels and plays. During the past year of working from home, I also developed an interest in solving different variations of Rubik’s cubes – a great exercise for my mind!


With 4 years of experience and memories galore, I look forward to the time to come, confident of one thing that I will continue to learn more and grow with Extentia!”


Swapnil, The Tech Biker

“I joined Extentia in 2016 as a fresher and the past 5 years have been an out-an-out learning experience that has contributed to my growth – both professionally and personally. I started my career at Extentia with the basic knowledge of .NET and got to learn Angular JS and contribute to backend and UI tasks – getting exposure to areas otherwise unfamiliar to me. I have also gained knowledge in a range of tech including .NET Core, MS SQL, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, third-party API Integration, and Script Integration. At Extentia, I get to constantly challenge myself and in turn, expand my horizons – be it learning new tech or conducting knowledge sharing sessions for my fellow Extentians. I’d say, with the right attitude, it’s only onward and upward for a fresher at Extentia.

Apart from work, I’m passionate about bikes – not only riding bikes, but I also possess a keen interest as well as experience in working on bike performance, electrical and

accessories upgrades, and more. I look forward to continuing to learn and grow at and with Extentia as well as to sharing knowledge in the realms of the tech that I work on and all things bikes with the like-minded!”

Komal, The Constant Learner

“I joined Extentia in 2014 as a QA trainee and later switched to .NET development. Always curious to learn more since the beginning, I used to go through the official documentation of the technology to learn new skills and got the opportunity to implement them on the job to sharpen them. I have also always received guidance from my seniors which has helped me enhance my skills and quality of work. I believe in always challenging myself with new tasks and trying to reach a level where I can independently come up with accurate solutions to any problem statement given to me. I would say, my journey of around 7 years at Extentia has been a fulfilling transition from being a trainee to leading a project team.

Apart from my professional skills, I also get ample opportunities here to develop myself on a personal level – including the ability to sail through my personal challenges with constant support and encouragement from Extentia. When not working, I like spending time with my 2-year old daughter, practicing yoga to stay fit, creating DIY decors, and trying new recipes.”


Akbar, The Tech-Explorer

“I joined Extentia as a fresher in 2019 and working here has been an experience like no other for me. Right from the beginning, I had the liberty to explore and choose the technology that I wanted to work on – I started with iOS mobile development and also learnt the SAP technology. From gaining a working knowledge of AR, VR, and machine learning to creating a chatbot and achieving certification in Python – I did it all within 2.5 years. Now, for me, this qualifies for an exhilarating journey! Extentia is not just a company, it’s a family, a small one for us in Bengaluru. I particularly love the approach of openness and forward-thinking that helps us move quickly.

I know that if tomorrow, I want to explore a new area in technology, I can go to my seniors and they will encourage me to learn it – that’s the sort of confidence they give us, something that’s extremely conducive to an individual’s growth. What works the best for me is the fact that here, we are never forced to work in one domain, there’s a culture of

learning that boosts everyone to expand their horizons. Taking a cue from my seniors, I also keep myself open to helping my juniors explore and learn more!”

Build your career and future at Extentia. Join us.

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