Social Responsibility
Sakaar is the name we ascribe to our corporate social responsibility effort to help make a difference within the community. The name is derived from the Hindi word ‘Sakaar’, which means ‘to realize, fulfill or achieve’.
Since the launch of Sakaar in 2001, whether it’s promoting various career development programs, running healthcare boot camps, or contributing to donation drives, we ensure that our corporate social responsibility programs add value to the community one step at a time.
Our objective is simple – promoting learning and development, empowering young adults, developing strong leaders, and championing for the advancement of the community through various initiatives and long-term partnerships. We take our company social responsibility seriously and work closely with established social organizations and support new initiatives each year.
Recent Sakaar Activity
Extentia Organized Informative Sessions for Maya CARE with SVP
Extentia organized informative sessions with Maya CARE in January 2022. Extentia is a corporate partner for the Pune chapter of Social Venture Partners(SVP). SVP working closely with several NGOs, including the Maya CARE Foundation. Maya CARE employs people with disabilities to operate various aspects of their work. Our responsible Extentians conducted an online session to help the specially-abled employees to level up at work by polishing their skills. On 4th January 2022, Rahul led a spoken English session while on 16th and 23rd January 2022, Sneha conducted two sessions educating them about the LinkedIn platform. These sessions were a hit! The sessions were insightful, interactive, and were followed by a Q&A session.
We are constantly doing our bit to give back to the community. We plan to conduct more of these sessions as part of its CSR activities. Because we believe in encouraging learning and development, empowering young adults, and are actively campaigning for community advancement.
Extentia’s Computer Donation Drive
Extentia recently donated 60 computers to several organizations, schools, and individuals intending at contributing to their IT infrastructure requirements. The activity was carried out by all six houses of the company – with each house given an opportunity to give out 10 machines. Members from all the houses participated in the initiative wholeheartedly and arranged for the computers to reach the recipients with help from Extentia’s admin team that ensured a safe delivery for each machine. As part of the drive, 4 machines were physically delivered to a school in a remote location in Karnataka – a thank you program for which, arranged by the school, was attended by Extentia.
A Session on Body Language
Extentia conducted a virtual training session, ‘Body Language’ for the students of Friends of Children (FoC) over Skype on Sunday, August 9. More than 65 students from places across Maharashtra attended the training program. Spanning over two hours, the session included training pertaining to interview preparation – including things to be kept in mind while preparing as well as appearing for an interview. A well-thought-through combination of a lecture, a PowerPoint presentation, a series of videos, a short Q&A, and a carefully curated quiz, the thoroughly informative training was well-received by the attendees.
Sakaar in Pictures

Our Sakaar Initiatives

Connecting NGO is a non-judgmental, non-advisory, confidential, and anonymous listening service for those feeling low, distressed, and/or suicidal.
Extentia's Sakaar will help with:
Recruitment and Training of New Volunteers
Train the Trainers facilitation cost
Mentor's Training facilitation cost
Refreshers Training for volunteers
Assessing Training Impact

Lila Poonawala Foundation (LPF) works towards the cause of promoting Girl's Education and Women's Empowerment by offering Merit-cum-Need based scholarships and skill-building programs.
Through merit-cum-need based scholarship, skill-building, counseling, and mentoring interventions, they have been transforming academically clever but financially challenged diffident young girls into strong self-confident women leaders in the workplace as well as in their communities and for bringing societal change at large.
Extentia's Sakaar will help truly deserving students with scholarships.

The Multiple Sclerosis Society of India (MSSI) is a registered voluntary, non-profit organization established in 1985. They work for the welfare of people affected by Multiple Sclerosis and are affiliated with MSIF UK (Multiple Sclerosis International Federation).
Extentia's Sakaar will help with physiotherapy sessions for Multiple Sclerosis Patients.

Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA) is a non-profit organization that addresses cancer as a health problem through its distinctive philosophy of ‘Total Management of Cancer.' CPAA works side-by-side with the medical fraternity, focusing on activities encompassing Awareness, Early Detection, Support for treatment, Guidance and Counseling, Rehabilitation, Research Studies, and Advocacy. The primary concern of CPAA is to meet the needs of poor cancer patients who do not have access to nor can afford cancer treatment.
Extentia's Sakaar will help with health screening for women and men and provide radiation for patients.