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Sarang Hadavale, Sr. Technical Architect

Wizards of Extentia: Sarang Hadavale

In a nutshell:

I’m a workaholic by nature and I have always believed in experiential learning, which inspires me to explore new learning opportunities beyond my comfort zone. My challenges, responsibilities, and experiences at work have resulted in tremendous growth.


It seems like not too long ago that I was preparing for my CAT exams and graduating from college. It was at this point of time that I came across Extentia and decided to apply for a trainee position at the company. I considered myself fortunate to have been selected for the role and joined immediately. After that, there’s been no turning back!

Walking Down Memory Lane

I’ve often been asked about my reasons for working with the same company for so long. My answer is simple. Extentia promotes an inclusive environment, has trustworthy leadership, and an irreplaceable work culture. These positive qualities have motivated me to continue working at Extentia.

Work and Projects

I started gaining exposure to working with various technologies and applications, from .Net to Salesforce, right from the initial stages of my career. Each job profile that I have transitioned into has allowed me to acquire important skills that have contributed toward an enriching work experience.

At Present!

I am currently working as a Senior Technical Architect with the Salesforce Practice.

Memories and Achievements

Learning something every day is an achievement for me. I remember that the first time I was asked to travel abroad was a turning point for me. For someone who had never been out of their hometown, traveling to another country was an exciting event. This opportunity made me grow both personally and professionally. I became more confident and also learnt how to drive and cook during that time. Every bit of it was worth it! Once, while handling one of the projects, we were unable to find a UI developer, so I decided to learn about UI myself. It was great to take up new and challenging things in life.

Extentia for me

My association with Extentia for all these years conveys what it means to me. The fact that the majority of my colleagues and team members have been the same right from the beginning speaks volumes! Extentia is very important to me. To sum it up, Extentia is family!

To the young professionals!

Being in a company for a long period of time is not easy. Take up opportunities as and when they present themselves and make the most of them. In the end, the main goal is continuous learning!

My Lifelines!

I consider my team and family to be my lifelines. My leaders have also played significant roles in my career so far. After all, you are nothing without great mentors.

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